Work is worship. Work is rewarded. Great people of the world worked hard. Most of the living people, who are true to themselves, work hard to make their living, provide for their families and help the poor and needy relatives. They follow the best principle of self-help. The same brilliant examples we find in the life of some greatest people who followed Islam. Hazrat Fatima (R.A) fetched water, ground corn and swept the house. Caliph Omer bin Abdul Aziz (R.H) refused to hire a servant to help his wife. At the table, Caliph Mamun-ur-Rashid (R.H) served not only himself but also his guests. Sultan Nasir-ud-Din earned his living by making caps, and Emperor Aurangzeb by transcribing the Holy Quran. There are examples more than that of self-help in importance and worth. Hazrat Omer (R.A) once carried on his shoulders a large sack of flour for a needy family. Hazrat Ali (R.A) labored in the garden of a Jew and gave his wages in charity.

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