Accounting & Auditing Mcqs: cover wide range of topics including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing principles, financial statements, tax accounting, internal controls, and more. Perfect for students preparing for professional exams, certifications, and competitive tests in accounting and auditing

Economics is the study of ?

A. how society manages its unlimited resource

B. How to reduce our wants until we are satisfied.

C. how to fully satisfy our unlimited wants

D. how to avoid having to make trade-offs

The concept of opportunity cost ?

A. is relevant only for a capitalist economy like the United States.

B. Suggests a major increase in public health care spending means an expansion in other areas will be harder to achieve.

C. Suggests all our wants can be achieved.

D. Would be relevant if we eliminated poverty

A recession is ?

A. a period of declining prices.

B. a period of declining unemployment

C. a period during which aggregate output declines.

D. a period of very rapidly declining prices.