A. They shot the traitors dead.
B. They should shoot the traitors dead.
C. They shall shoot the traitors dead.
D. They should have shot the traitors dead.
These are the most important and frequently repeated MCQs for all competitive exams, including CSS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and other government and private job tests. The Active and Passive Voice MCQs have been carefully collected from past papers of competitive exams. You can practice these MCQs on McqsTest.com to prepare for your upcoming exams.
McqsTestz.com has uploaded a comprehensive collection of MCQs related to Active & Passive Voice, covering all essential topics such as Sentence Transformation between Active and Passive Voice, Rules of Active & Passive Voice, and common Errors in Active & Passive Voice. These resources will help you gain mastery in this key area and enhance your exam preparation.
A. Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.
B. Grass is not being eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.
C. Grass is eaten not by a lion, however hungry he may be.
D. Grass is being not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be.
A. He was asked a question Mr. Jamal.
B. He was asked a question to Mr. Jamal.
C. He was asked a question by Mr. Jamal.
D. A question was being asked by Mr. Jamal.
A. Let the thief to catch the thief
B. Let the thief be set to catch the thief
C. Thief is set to catch the thief
D. None of These
A. By whom was science taught to you?
B. Whose was taught science to you?
C. Who was teach you science?
D. By whom is science is taught to you?
A. Your teacher must respected by you.
B. Your teacher must been respected by you.
C. Your teacher must being respected by you.
D. Your teacher must be respected by you.
A. They shot the traitors dead.
B. They should shoot the traitors dead.
C. They shall shoot the traitors dead.
D. They should have shot the traitors dead.
A. They have not built Rome in a day.
B. The Romans did not build Rome in a day.
C. They could not build Rome in a day.
D. They did not build Rome in a day.
A. By whom is English is taught to you?
B. Who was teaches you English?
C. Who was taught English to you?
D. By whom was English taught to you?
A. Why your parents were disobey by you?
B. Why you parents was disobeyed by you?
C. Why were your parents disobeyed by you?
D. Why do your parents was disobey by you?
A. women are liked to be flattered by men.
B. Women like that men should flatter them.
C. Women like to be flattered by men.
D. Men are liked by women to flatter them.