IRR is also called_____
A. Yield on investment
B. Managerial efficiency of capital
C. The marginal productivity of capital
D. All of these
Assistant Account Officer 02-06-2023 Paper. Solved Past Paper of Assistant Account Officer BPS-16 of SPSC. Here is complete solved Papers of SPSC.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
A. Yield on investment
B. Managerial efficiency of capital
C. The marginal productivity of capital
D. All of these
A. Fall, rise
B. Rise , fall
C. Rise ,constant
D. Constant, rise
A. Appropriation of profit among partners
B. Income of partnership firm
C. Expense of partnership firm
D. None of these
A. International financial reporting standards
B. International financial accounting standards
C. International accounting & auditing standards
D. International risk reporting standards
A. Patent rights
B. Inventory
C. Cash
D. Trade receivables
A. Amortization
B. Depletion
C. Going concern
D. Residual value
A. Residual value
B. Net book value
C. Depreciation
D. Substance over form
A. One person invests money and other invests labor and experience
B. Both persons invest money and labor
C. Two persons invest money
D. All of these
A. An increase in the overall level of economic activity
B. An increase in the overall price level
C. A decrease in the overall level of economic activity
D. A decrease in the overall price level
A. N.I + population
B. N.I x population
C. N.I / population
D. Both a & c