Imam Abu Hanifa is also known as:
A. Aameer ahle-e-Sunnah
B. Imam-e-Azam
C. Imam ul Arab
D. None of these
Here is the complete solved past paper for the Assistant BPS-16 post in FPSC internal recruitments. This past paper serves as a valuable resource for understanding the exam structure and helping you prepare thoroughly for the upcoming test. By practicing this solved paper, you can enhance your knowledge, improve time management, and increase your chances of success in the exam.
A. Aameer ahle-e-Sunnah
B. Imam-e-Azam
C. Imam ul Arab
D. None of these
A. Youm ul Arfa
B. Youm ul Nahr
C. Youm ul Sabi
D. None of these
A. Maghfirah
B. Rehmat
C. To get rid of hell’s fire
D. None of these
A. Half of Holy Quran
B. 1/3 of the Holy Quran
C. 1/4 of the Holy Quran
D. None of these
A. At his Home
B. At the Mosque Bait ul Harm
C. At the cave of Hira
D. None of these
A. Ghauarm
B. Mahasil
C. Masarif-e-zakat
D. None of these
A. Surah al Fateha and Surah Ekhlas
B. Surah Falaq and Surah Naas
C. Surah al Kafiroon and Surah Ekhlas
D. None of these