Which country reported its first COVID cases on 12 May 2022?
A. North Korea
B. Vietnam
C. Cuba
D. None of these
Assistant Director FIA Paper of FPSC . This is the complete solved paper of Assistant Director Federal Investigation Agency FIA conducted by FPSC. . This FPSC Solved Paper of Assistant Director help you in upcoming FPSC exmas of Assistant Director FIA.
A. North Korea
B. Vietnam
C. Cuba
D. None of these
A. 2007
B. 2009
C. 2019
D. None of these
A. January 2
B. January 3
C. January 4
D. January 5
A. India
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Israel
D. None of these
A. Algeria
B. Nigeria
C. Niger
D. None of these
A. Pilar Llop
B. Jose Manuel Abres
C. Nasser Bourita
D. None of these
A. Zero
B. One
C. two
D. None of these
A. Philip Hammond
B. Jeremy Hunt
C. Dominic Raab
D. None of these
A. February 20, 2022
B. February 24, 2022
C. February 26, 2022
D. None of these