Assistant Director IB Past Paper 2017

Here is the complete solved past paper for the Assistant Director position in the Intelligence Bureau (IB) 2017. This past paper provides valuable insight into the exam format and helps you prepare thoroughly for the upcoming Assistant Director IB exam. By practicing with this solved paper, you can improve your understanding of the topics, enhance your time management skills, and boost your chances of success

Idiom “to see eye to eye”

A. To disagree completely

B. To understand the situation clearly

C. To have a mutual agreement or view

D. To look at someone directly

Idiom “to smells rat”

A. To find something unpleasant

B. To suspect something is wrong or dishonest

C. To have a strong sense of curiosity

D. To be very cautious about something

Idiom “to be at daggers drown”

A. To be in a peaceful and friendly relationship

B. To be in a state of open conflict or hostility

C. To be feeling very tired

D. To be engaged in a friendly debate