The suggestion that princely states shall be free and Independent to join one or other country was given in
A. June 3 Plan
B. Congress Plan
C. Muslim League Plan
D. Freedom Plan
Assistant Director MOD 2017 Paper of NTS. Here is the complete Solved Past Paper of Assistant Director of Ministry of Defence MOD conducted by NTS.
A. June 3 Plan
B. Congress Plan
C. Muslim League Plan
D. Freedom Plan
A. September and October
B. October and November
C. November and December
D. December and January
A. Afghanistan
B. Central Asia
C. Arabian sea and bay of Bengal
D. China
A. Western Bengal
B. Eastern Bengal
C. North Western Bengal
D. None of these
A. Ch Rahmat Ali
B. Allama Iqbal
C. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
D. Maulana M Ali Johar
A. Secrecy
B. Privacy
C. Literacy
D. Midways
A. Lowest Good
B. Average Good
C. Highest Good
D. Respect
A. Bregariousness
B. Gregariousness
C. Gorgeousness
D. Marvelous
A. Media Ethics
B. Social justice
C. Punishment
D. Social relations