Article 6 of the 1973 constitution deals with:
A. High Treason
B. Impeachment of President
C. Fundamental Rights
D. None of the above
Assistant Director MOD 2021 Paper of FPSC. Here is the complete Solved Past Paper of Assistant Director of Ministry of Defence MOD conducted by FPSC.
A. High Treason
B. Impeachment of President
C. Fundamental Rights
D. None of the above
A. 146000 miles per second
B. 186282 miles per second
C. 176000 miles per second
D. 196000 miles per second
A. A part of CPEC project
B. CPEC is part of OBOR
C. Both are independent of each other
D. Mainly to connect China with Far East Asia
A. Sahara Desert
B. Dasht -e Lut Desert
C. Great Thar Desert
D. Chihuahuan Desert
A. Dadu
B. Hyderabad
C. Thatta
D. Jamshoro
A. Latitude
B. Temperature
C. Longitude
D. Humidity Index