Along with Plato and Aristotle, _______ is one of the “big three” in ancient Greek philosophy.
A. Aristophanes B. Socrates C. Xenophon C. None of the above
A. Aristophanes B. Socrates C. Xenophon C. None of the above
A. Labour and Conservative B. Labour and Liberal C. Conservative and Socialists D. Conservatives and Liberals
A. Religious principles B. Common interests C. Economic and political principles D. Caste
A. People B. Members of parliament C. Constitution D. Pope
A. Independence Movement B. Khilafat Movement C. Legislative Movement D. None of the above
A. Treaty of Paris B. Treaty of London C. Treaty of Washington D. Versailles Treaty
A. Society B. Government C. State D. Nation
A. Al-Mawardi B. Ibn-khaldun C. Nizam-ul-Tusi D. Al-Ghazali
A. Xenophon B. Aristotle C. Socrates D. None of the above
A. By elections B. By National Assembly C. By of Senate members D. By referendum