Kai valley is ancient valley of Sindh situated in:____________?
A. Dadu B. Hyderabad C. Thatta D. Jamshoro
A. Dadu B. Hyderabad C. Thatta D. Jamshoro
A. India B. Pakistan C. China D. None of these
A. Sahara Desert B. Dasht -e Lut Desert C. Great Thar Desert D. Chihuahuan Desert
A. Tajikistan B. Afghanistan C. India D. China
A. Upper Sindh B. Lower Sindh C. Central Sindh D. Sindh & punjab
A. Cousin B. Brother C. Nephew D. None of these
A. Hazrat Moosa a.s B. Hazrat Issa a.s C. Hazrat Zakirya D. None of these
A. Farz B. Sunnah C. Wajib D. None of these