Akbar’s ruling period is as under:
A. 1555-1605 B. 1556-1606 C. 1556-1605 D. None of these
A. 1555-1605 B. 1556-1606 C. 1556-1605 D. None of these
A. French B. British C. Dutch D. None of these
A. 1977 B. 1985 C. 1988 D. None of these
A. 1940 B. 1950 C. 1967 D. None of these
A. SEATO B. World Bank C. United Nations D. None of these
A. Lowa State B. Minnesota State C. Utah State D. None of these
A. Indus & Jhelum B. Indus & Chenab C. Jhelum & Chenab D. None of these
A. Lake B. Barrage C. Dam D. None of these
A. Quetta B. Kabul C. Sibbi D. None of these
A. Mafic and Felsic B. Felsic and Rhyolite C. Mafic and Basaltic D. None of these