In MS PowerPoint record slide show can record:
A. Slide and animation timings B. Gesture C. Laser Pointer D. None of these
A. Slide and animation timings B. Gesture C. Laser Pointer D. None of these
A. Processing unit for software handling B. Processing-unit contains memory for storing data C. Microprocessor parts D. None of these
A. Database B. Data requisition C. Databank D. None of these
A. Tables B. Queries C. Relations D. None of these
A. Joint photo electronic group B. Joint picture electronic group C. Joint photographic experts group D. Joint picture expert group
A. Press ctrl+ F7 B. Press alt+ F7 C. Press F7 D. Press shift + F7
A. Monitors activities B. Manages disks and tiles C. Allocates resources D. All of the above
A. Computer Aided Design B. Computer Application in Design C. Computer algorithm for Design D. Computer Analogue Design
A. Cookies B. Plug-ins C. Scripts D. Asps
A. Uniform System Bus B. Universal Serial Bus C. Uniform System Bus D. Universal System Bus