The andromeda Galaxy is which type of the following types of galaxies?
A. Elliptical B. Spiral C. Irregular D. None of these.
A. Elliptical B. Spiral C. Irregular D. None of these.
A. Frog B. Earthworm C. Snake D. Crocodile
A. Tesla B. Force C. Fermi D. Newton
A. Radio Waves B. Micro Waves C. Infrared Waves D. Magnetic waves
A. Promixa Centauri B. Alpha Centauri C. Red proxima Centauri D. None of these
A. Mango B. Grapes C. Tomato D. Guava
A. anthocyanin B. Carotene C. Xanthophylls D. None of these
A. Anthocyanin B. Xanthophyll’s C. Lycopene D. None of these
A. Retinol B. Calciferol C. Tocopherol D. None of these.
A. watt B. Pascal C. Candela D. Joule