How many years Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz ruled his reign?
A. 2 years B. 2 ½ years C. 3 years D. None of these
A. 2 years B. 2 ½ years C. 3 years D. None of these
A. 37 years B. 38 years C. 39 years D. None of these
A. 718 A.D B. 720 A.D/101 A.H C. 719 A.D D. None of these
A. 680 A.D/(61 A.H) B. 682 A.D C. 684 A.D D. None of these
A. The sand dunes B. Upon their knees C. Smoke D. Luxury
A. Islam B. Christianity C. Judaism D. None of these
A. 5 Years B. 8 Years C. 6 Years D. None of These
A. Mukhayriq B. kab ibn al ashraf C. Huyayy ibn Akhtab D. None of these
A. Surah Nisa B. Surah Ma’ida C. Surah Noor D. Surah Anbiya
A. Writer of Revelation B. Sea of knowledge C. Sword of Allah D. None of these