Najid and Hejaz are the old names of ___________?
A. Makkah and Madina B. Saudi Arabia C. UAE D. Dubai and Abu Dhabi
A. Makkah and Madina B. Saudi Arabia C. UAE D. Dubai and Abu Dhabi
A. 34 times B. 30 times C. 33 times D. 31 times
A. Baqarah B. Luqman C. Ahzab D. Nisa
A. Masjed nabwe B. Makkah mukarma C. Jannat al-Baqi D. None of These
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. None of These
A. 5th A.H B. 7th A.H C. 8th A.H D. 9th A.H
A. Surah Al Inaam B. Surah Al Baqra C. Surah Al Tauba D. Surah Alaq
A. Mankind B. Opening C. Daybreak D. Intimate
A. Surah Al falaq & Surah An Nas B. Surah Alaq & Surah Ikhlas C. Surah Al Muzzamil & Mudathir D. none of these
A. Honey bee B. Ant C. Camel D. Wrapped in gramments