Second shortest Surah of Holy Quran is_______?
A. Ikhlas B. Quraish C. Asar D. Nasar
Safar is _________ month of Islamic calendar?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. None of these
Needle was invented by Prophet?
A. Yahya (A.S) B. Musa (A.S) C. Idrees (A.S) D. Shoaib (A.S)
Mirror was invented by Prophet?
A. Shees (A.S) B. Yahya (A.S) C. Is’haq (A.S) D. Sulaiman (A.S)
Bridge was invented by Prophet?
A. Nuh (A.S) B. Younis (A.S) C. Yousuf (A.S) D. Zakriya (A.S)
When was Rabia Basri born ?
A. 96 AH B. 101 AH C. 113 AH D. None of these
Which Muslim Country Has highest HAJJ pilgrims?
A. Pakistan B. Indonesia C. Malaysia D. None of these
Hazart Suleman (A.S) built which Mosque?
A. Masjid Aqsa B. Masjid Nabvi C. both A & B D. None of these