Which battle was fought after the conquest of Mecca?
A. Tabouk B. Hunain C. Mootza D. Ahzab
How many Sajdahs are in Makki Surahs?
A. 09 B. 10 C. 11 D. 14
Which Surah of Holy Quran has two Sajdahs?
A. Surah-Noor B. Surah-al-Aaraf C. Surah-Mariam D. Surah-al-Hajj
What is Wahee-e-Matlu?
A. A wahee sent by Allah and narrated by Prophet (PBUH) in his own words. B. Wahee sent by Allah and delivered by Prophet (PBUH) in the same words of…
In which Surah the incident of Mairaj has been discussed?
A. Al-Baqrah B. Bani-Israel. C. An-Noor D. Al-Maida