Which of the following properties prove that cathode rays are material in nature_________________?
A. they cast shadow
B. they possess momentum
C. they are negatively charged
D. all of the above
Paramagnetic behaviour of substance is measured by a balance called___________________?
A. Analytical balance
B. Guoys balance
C. Electrical balance
D. Single beam balance
Metallic crystals are soluble in________________?
A. Polar solvent
B. Non polar solvent
C. Fused metal
D. None
Which of the following solids show anisotropy___________________?
A. Plastic
B. Glass
C. Rubber
D. None of the above
The rectified spirit is________________?
A. 12% alcohol
B. 90% alcohol
C. 95% alcohol
D. 100% alcohol
As a substance moves from a solid to a liquid all of the following changes occur except ?
A. molecules become more disordered.
B. K.E of the molecules decreases
C. intermolecular forces become weaker.
D. molecules move more frequently.
Oxygen (molecular weight = 32) diffuses at a rate of 10cm3/min under the same conditions of temperature and pressure how fast will hydrogen (molecular weight = 2) diffuse ?
A. 20cm3/min
B. 40cm3/min
C. 160cm3/min
D. 2.5cm3/min
Methyl alcohol is not used as___________________?
A. a solvent
B. an anti freezing agent
C. a substitute for petrol
D. for denaturing of ethyl alcohol
All the following variables are used to describle gases except__________________?
A. pressure
B. volume
C. moles
D. density