English Grammar MCQs Most Important

 English Grammar Mcqs: – Here you can access all MCQs related to English Grammar & divided into subcategories. These English Grammar MCQs are frequently repeated in various exams including FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPPSC, NTS, UTS, OTS, STS, ATS, ETS, ITS, PTS, and departmental conducted papersEnglish Grammar Mcqs are most important and repeated mcqs in every exmas.

English Grammar Mcqs

He is himself, means.

A. Not like to talk with others

B. To remain silent

C. To limit one’s feelings

D. To be proud of oneself

Mixed feelings. means

A. Romantic feelings

B. Not clear feelings

C. Hateful feelings

D. To have some good and bad feelings about someone

Keep tabs on: means

A. To follow strictly

B. To do something

C. To keep under observation

D. To steal something

To cut the cake. means

A. To do impossible

B. to make use of time

C. To celebrate birthday

D. to divide the cake in two parts