I ______ you all my books if you promise to be regular in your studies.
A. lend
B. shall lend
C. would lend
D. would be lent
English Grammar Mcqs: – Here you can access all MCQs related to English Grammar & divided into subcategories. These English Grammar MCQs are frequently repeated in various exams including FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPPSC, NTS, UTS, OTS, STS, ATS, ETS, ITS, PTS, and departmental conducted papers. English Grammar Mcqs are most important and repeated mcqs in every exmas.
A. lend
B. shall lend
C. would lend
D. would be lent
A. Medicine
B. Economics
C. Literature
D. None
A. Adamant
B. Edict
C. Addict
D. Derelict
A. Agoraphobia
B. Xenophobia
C. Claustrophobia
D. Paranoia
A. Invocation
B. Inundation
C. Involution
D. Revocation
A. Imaginary
B. Scurrilous
C. Speculative
D. Sarcastic