English Grammar MCQs Most Important

 English Grammar Mcqs: – Here you can access all MCQs related to English Grammar & divided into subcategories. These English Grammar MCQs are frequently repeated in various exams including FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPPSC, NTS, UTS, OTS, STS, ATS, ETS, ITS, PTS, and departmental conducted papersEnglish Grammar Mcqs are most important and repeated mcqs in every exmas.

English Grammar Mcqs

Meaning of the word. Wardrobe

A. A place where horses are kept

B. A place where planes are kept

C. A place where official records are kept

D. A place where clothes are kept

Meaning of the word. Explicit

A. Trade prohibited by law

B. Drawing out a secret from somebody

C. Comparison that is out of place

D. Statement that is absolutely clear