English Grammar Mcqs
English Grammar MCQs Most Important
English Grammar Mcqs: – Here you can access all MCQs related to English Grammar & divided into subcategories. These English Grammar MCQs are frequently repeated in various exams including FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPPSC, NTS, UTS, OTS, STS, ATS, ETS, ITS, PTS, and departmental conducted papers. English Grammar Mcqs are most important and repeated mcqs in every exmas.
English Grammar Mcqs
Many buildings with historical significance are now being _______ instead of being torn down.
A. built
B. forgotten
C. destroyed
D. repaired
One’s fingerprints are _______ other person
A. different from those of any
B. different any other person
C. different with any other person
D. differs from another person