“We prefer to wear woolen clothes in winter because _______”
A. Woolen clothes are bad conductor of heat
B. Woolen clothes are good conductor of heat
C. Woolen clothes are more durable
D. Woolen clothes are thicker that cotton
Everyday Science Mcqs EDS Mcqs Most Important. These Everyday Science Mcqs are collected from previous Past papers of all testing agencies. Everyday Science Mcqs are divided into sub-categories which make it easy cover all everyday science mcqs topic wise.Â
A. Woolen clothes are bad conductor of heat
B. Woolen clothes are good conductor of heat
C. Woolen clothes are more durable
D. Woolen clothes are thicker that cotton
A. Carbon
B. Feldspar
C. Calcium
D. Vitamin
A. Alfred Nobel
B. Alexander Fleming
C. Al Khwarizmi
D. Wright brothers