A clear sky is blue because?
A. red light is scattered more than blue
B. ultra violet light has been absorbed
C. blue light is scattered more than red
D. blue light has been absorbed
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A. red light is scattered more than blue
B. ultra violet light has been absorbed
C. blue light is scattered more than red
D. blue light has been absorbed
A. a metal but in liquid form
B. liquid at room temperature
C. extremely sensitive to temperature variations
D. rarely available
D. Both a, b & c
A. Newton
B. Cavendish
C. Galileo
D. Marconi
A. nuclear explosion
B. human effort
C. any movement of an object
D. water power
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
D. None
A. Anaemia
B. Hemophilia
C. High blood pressure
D. Low blood pressure
A. similar charges of electricity rush towards each other
B. opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air
C. clouds strike against impurities in air and result in a gigantic frictional flare-up
D. earth exerts a pull on the floating clouds
A. Absence of water vapour in the air;
B. Clouds generate air currents and disturbances which do not promote frosty conditions
C. Clouds prevent radiation and therefore help the ground temperature remain higher
D. moisture of air has been sucked away by the clouds