Which of the following is a principle of the provincial health services?
A. Universal
B. Comprehensive
C. Accessible
D. All of the above
Prepare for competitive exams with Governance and Public Policies MCQs, covering key topics like governance structures, policy-making, public administration, and political frameworks. Ideal for CSS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KKPSC, and BPSC exam preparation
A. Universal
B. Comprehensive
C. Accessible
D. All of the above
A. Increasing spending
B. Increasing borrowing
C. Maintaining taxes
D. Increasing taxes
A. Public Service Act
B. Constitution Act 1867
C. Financial Administration Act
D. Department of Finance
A. The final 6 months of the election cycle, when the government announces popular government initiatives
B. The time period when the government takes steps to fix remaining policy problems before the next elections
C. The time period that begins with the government’s second budget, when the government addresses many of its election promises and initiates any tough or potentially unpopular policies
D. When ministers receive direction from PM or premier; public servants brief ministers on the top issues in their portfolios
A. Natural Monopoly
B. Elite Theory
C. Rational Choice
D. Derived Externalities
A. Economic Theory of Democracy
B. Managerial Theory
C. Rational Choice Theory
D. Pluralism Theory
A. Decision-making
B. Policy Evaluation
C. Policy Implementation
D. Policy Change
A. Agenda Setting
B. Policy Formulation
C. Policy Implementation
D. Decision- Making
A. There are rules within civil society.
B. Government must employ skilled experts.
C. Skilled experts do not necessarily have to operate within an organized hierarchy.
D. People must be treated equally.
A. Are able to lobby as soon as they leave their political careers
B. Can collect contingency fees from their clients
C. File reports outlining who they are acting on behalf of
D. Register with the government if they spend more than 50% of their time lobbying on behalf of corporations