Read the following passage and answer the questions set below it, keeping in view the contextual meanings of words used in the passage:
How many animals are mentioned in the passage hat dance at the tune of tambour line Pipes?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. five
Meaning of the underlined phrase “make faces” is:
A. to console somebody
B. To produce an expression on your face to show that you do not like somebody or something or In order to make somebody laugh
C. to jeer at somebody
D. To irritate somebody
Meaning of the underlined phrase “few and far between” is:
A. punctual
B. Regular
C. Irrelevant
D. Not happening often
Of all the wandering entertainers, whose performance is hard?
A. snake charmer
B. acrobat
C. juggler
D. Magician
Except for the last two sentences, the whole passage has been composed in:
A. Past Perfect Tense
B. Past continuous tense
C. Past Indefinite Tense
D. Present indefinite tense
Underlined word “living” means:
A. ends and means
B. money to buy the things that you need in life
C. things you have for survival
D. Place to live in