Electron was discovered by?
A. Michael
B. James Maxwell
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. J.J Thomson
B. James Maxwell
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. J.J Thomson
B. Deuterium
C. Protium
D. Ortho-Hydrogen
B. Composition of matter
C. Properties of matter
D. Composition and properties of matter
B. Bicameral
C. Democratic
D. Autocratic
B. 77%
C. 80%
D. 83%
B. To have seen
C. To seek
D. To have been seen
B. Physical Science
C. Cell Science
D. Elementary
B. Biological Science
C. Social Science
D. Life Science Branch
B. Geography
C. Physics
D. Chemistry
B. Volt
C. Joule
D. Newton