A systemic way to maintain the books of accounts is called———?
A. Accountancy
B. Economics
C. Book keeping
D. Auditing
B. Economics
C. Book keeping
D. Auditing
B. Accountancy
C. Auditing
D. Book Keeping
B. Reading
C. Book Keeping
D. Auditing
B. Customer return
C. Sales return
D. Inventory return
B. American system
C. Single entry system
D. Italic system
B. Seller
C. Debtor
D. Creditor
B. entry at two ends
C. entry at two dates
D. Entry for two aspects of the transection
B. Expensive
C. Liability
D. Revenue
B. Revenues
C. Expensive
D. Assets
B. Business
C. Drawings
D. All of these