Prepare for competitive exams with International Law MCQs, covering key topics like treaties, human rights, diplomacy, international organizations, and conflict resolution. Ideal for CSS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KKPSC, and BPSC exam preparation.

A state can use force:

A. when its own security so demands

B. By entering into a treaty with another state

C. When it is attacked by another state

D. None of these

A State:

A. Is bound by a treaty obligation

B. Is not bound till it incorporates which an obligation into its municipal law

C. Is not bound if treaty obligation conflicts with its municipal law

D. None of these

A lower riparian state:

A. Has no right to share water resources of an international river

B. Has exclusive right

C. Has right to share waters on equitable basis

D. None of these