Enhance your exam preparation with International Relations MCQs, covering essential topics like global politics, diplomacy, international organizations, conflict resolution, and more. Perfect for CSS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KKPSC, and BPSC exams.

Isaiah Berlin argued that…

A. the state can and should do more to reduce economic inequalities.

B. the criminal justice system is an unacceptable infringement of freedom.

C. irrational people do not deserve freedom.

D. ‘positive’ conceptions of liberty represented a serious threat to freedom.

What does the idea of ‘positive liberty’ mean?

A. The state has the right to intervene in the hope of making people’s lives more fulfilling.

B. People should just get out there and do whatever they want.

C. Only self-confident people can be free.

D. Freedom means the absence of constraints deliberately imposed by other people.

The main argument of cosmopolitan democracy is that…

A. despite globalization, the nation state is as important as ever.

B. only people who have travelled outside their country of birth should be allowed to vote.

C. in the contemporary world, it is essential that global forces are brought under democratic control.

D. all nation-states should be replaced by a single world government.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that…

A. people should be forced to obey their rulers.

B. the majority is always right.

C. generals are more trustworthy than politicians.

D. the general will is superior to the selfish interests of individuals.

Deliberative democracy involves…

A. politicians consulting their ministerial colleagues before taking decisions.

B. every major political decision being taken after a referendum.

C. extensive public debate before politicians take decisions.

D. citizens consulting family and friends before voting.

Joseph Schumpeter argued that…

A. the existence of elites is incompatible with democracy.

B. democracy is meaningless with mass participation.

C. the democratic process should be understood as a competition between rival elites.

D. all of the above.

Democracy originated…

A. in ancient Greece.

B. in the US after freeing itself from British tyranny.

C. in France after the Revolution.

D. in the UK, after the signing of Magna Carta.