Foam is an example of :
A. A gas dispersed in a liquid
B. A solid dispersed in a liquid
C. A liquid dispersed in a gas
D. A liquid dispersed in a liquid
A. A gas dispersed in a liquid
B. A solid dispersed in a liquid
C. A liquid dispersed in a gas
D. A liquid dispersed in a liquid
A. Schiff’s reagent
B. Fehling’s solution
C. Tollen’s reagent
D. Baeyer’s reagent
A. 2s→ 1s
B. 2p→1s
C. 3d →2p
D. 5p →3s
A. Caustic soda
B. Washing soda
C. Potash alum
D. None of the these
A. Dichloroacetic acid
B. Chloroacetic acid
C. Trichloroacetic acid
D. All have same acidic strength
A. Activation energy of the reaction
B. Molecularity of the reaction
C. Temperature of the reaction
D. Order of the reaction
A. Hydrated sodium aluminum silicate
B. Hydrated ferric soilicate
C. Sodium tetraborate
D. Sodium hexametaphosphate: