Cyclists must obey the same rules as apply to drivers at pedestrian crossings and school crossing patrols. In addition, they:

A. Must ensure that their brakes are efficient

B. At night, must ensure their front and rear lights are lit and that the cycle has an efficient red rear reflector

C. At night, if they are wheeling their cycle or are stationary without lights, must keep as close as possible to the nearside edge of the road

D. Stop when required to do so by a uniformed police officer

E. All of the above


A. Must not walk on motorway or their slip-roads

B. Must not walk on the carriageway when dire by a policy officer or controlling traffic

C. Must not hold on to get on a moving motor vehicle or trailer

D. All of the above

Your (Cyclists) must not:

A. Ride dangerously

B. Ride without reasonable consideration for the other road users

C. Ride Without reasonable consideration for the other road users

D. Ride under the influence of drink or drugs

E. All of the above

You must not:

A. Use headlights in a way which would dazzle or discomfort other road users

B. Use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced

C. sound your horn at night (11:30 p.m. to 7 a.m.) in a built up area

D. All of the above

You must:

A. Ensure your front and rear side lights and rear registration plate lights-are lit at night

B. use headlight at night on all unlit roads and those where the street lights are more than 185 meters (600ft) apart

C. Use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced

D. All of the above