A goods vehicle which is being used to transport hazardous materials must be clearly marked to indicate the type of hazardous material being carried i.e. Explosive material, Flammable gas, Non Flammable Gas, Poison Gas, Flammable liquid, Flammable solid, Spontaneously Combustible. Dangerous when wet, oxidizing agent, Organic peroxide, Radioactive, Harmful, Corrosive etc. The Annex-D of the Highway and Motorway Code related to:

A. Types of Hazardous Materials

B. Commercial goods

C. Industrial machinery

D. None of these

At road works:

A. Watch out for and act on all signs at road works

B. Use your mirrors and get into the correct lane

C. Do not switch lanes to overtake queuing traffic or drive through an area marked off by traffic cones

D. Watch out for traffic or drive through an area marked off by traffic cones

E. Watch out for traffic by do not be distracted by what is going on there

F. All of the above

Don’t park your vehicles

A. By the side of entrance to a property

B. In front of the entrance to a property  

C. In street behind a property

D. None of the above

Avoid parking your vehicles:

A. On the approach to a level crossing

B. Within 10 meters (32 ft) of a junction, except in an authorized parking space

C. Near the brow of a hill or hump bridge

D. All of the above

You must not stop or park vehicles on:

A. A road marked with double white lines even if one of the lines is broken, except to pick up or set down passengers

B. A bus lane

C.  A cycle lane

D. All of the above

You must not stop or park on:

A. The carriageway of a motorway

B. A pedestrian crossing, including the are marked by the zigzag lines

C. A clearway except to pick up or set down passengers

D. All of the above