After parking your vehicle:

A. It is safer for you and your passengers (especially children) to get out on the side next to the kerb

B. You must switch off the engine and headlights

C. Before leaving the vehicle, ensure that the handbrake is on firmly. Always lock your vehicle

D. All of the above

Wherever possible, for parking vehicles:

A. Pull off the road onto an area provided for parking

B. If you have to stop on the road, stop as close as you can to the side

C. Before you or your passengers open a door, make sure it will not hit anyone passing on the road or pavement or force them to swerve

D. Watch our particularly for pedestrians, cyclist and motorcyclist

E. All of the above

When your vehicle is moving:

A. Use your horn only if you need to wan other road users of your

B. Never sound your horn aggressively

C. You must not use your born; between 11:30 pm and 7.00 am in a built up area

D. When your vehicle is stationary, unless a moving vehicle poses

E. all of the above

Hazard warning lights may be used:

A. When your vehicle is stopped to warn that it is temporarily obstructing traffic

B. You may only use them whilst driving if you are on a motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway and you need to warn drivers being you of a hazard or obstruction ahead

C. Never use them as an excuse for dangerous or illegal parking.

D. Do not use them as an indicator of going straight through an intersection

E. All of the above

Use fog lights:

A. When visibility is seriously reduced, generally when you cannot see for more than 100 meters (328ft)

B. You must not use fog lights other times

C. Switch them off when visibility improves

D. all of the above

In the course of driving:

A. Dip your headlights when meeting vehicles of other road users and before you dazzle the driver of a vehicle you are following

B. Slow down or stop if you are dazzled by oncoming headlights

C. Do not drive alight without proper taillights

D. All of the above