Motorists should:

A. Use headlights at night on lit motorway and roads with a speed limit in excess of 80 km/h

B. Use dipped headlights at night in built-up areas unless the road is well lit

C. Cut down glare, if your vehicle has dim-dip; use it instead of dipped headlights in dull daytime weather and at night in built-up areas with good street lighting

D. All of the above

While driving:

A. Use sidelights between sunset and sunrise

B. Use headlights at night (between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise) on all roads without street lighting and on roads where the street lights are more than 185 meters (600 ft) apart or are not lit

C. Use headlights or front fog lights when visibility is seriously reduced, generally when you cannot see for more than 100 meters (328 ft)

D. All of the above

You must:

A. Make sure all your lights are clear,

B. That all lights work

C. your headlights are properly adjusted

D. All of the above

Never reverse:

A. From a side- road into a main road

B. into the road from a driveway; where possible, reverse in and drive out

C. Both A & B

D. None of these

Before reversing a vehicle:

A. make sure there are no pedestrians particularly children or obstructions in the road behind you

B. Be aware of the “blind spot” i.e. the part of the road you cannot see from the driving seat

C. If you cannot see clearly, get someone to guide you

D. All of above

When there are more than their lanes at the entrance to a roundabout:

A. use the most appropriate lane on approach and through the roundabout

B. Watch out for traffic crossing in front of you on the roundabout especially vehicles intending to leave by the next exit.

C. Watch out for motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders. Give them plenty of room cyclists and horse riders will often keep to the left on the roundabout

D. All of the above