While leaving the Motorway:

A. unless signs indicate that a lane leads directly off the motorway you will leave the motorway by a slip-road on your left

B. Watch for the signs letting you know you are getting near your exit move to the left hand lane well before reaching your exit and stay in it

C. Signal left in good time and slow down as necessary check your speedometer and adjust your speed as required. Some slip-roads and link roads have sharp bends so you will need to slow down

D. All of the above

On parking the problem vehicle safely:

A. leave the vehicle by the left-hand door and ensure your passengers do the same (leave any animals inside)

B. Ensure your passengers wait near the vehicle, but well away from the carriageway and hard shoulder, and that children are kept under control

C. Walk to an emergency telephone which connects directly to the police and then wait near your vehicle

D. If you feel at risk, return to your vehicle by a left hand door and lock all doors leave your vehicle again as soon as you feel the danger has passed

E. All of the above