After overtaking a vehicle:

A. Always get back to the left-hand lane or if it is occupied, the middle lane, as soon as you can after overtaking

B. Signal your intention to change lanes

C. Do not cut in on the vehicle you have overtaken

D. All of the above

before you start to overtake:

A. Use your mirrors and make sure that the lane you will be joining is clear ahead and behind

B. Signal before you move out and be careful that traffic may be coming up behind you very quickly

C. Be especially careful at night arid in poor visibility

D. All of the above

on a motorway:

A. Overtake only on the right unless traffic moving in queue and the queue on your right is moving more slowly

B. Do not move a lane on your left to overtake

C. You must not use the hard shoulder for overtaking

D. All of the above