At road junctions, when riding a bicycles:

A. Watch out for vehicle turning in front of you from or into a side road

B. Do not overtake on the left of vehicles slowing down to turn left

C. Pay particular attention to long vehicles which need a lot of room to maneuver at corners and may have to move over to the right before turning left. Wait until they have completed the maneuver

D. All of the above

If you are involved in, or stop to give assistance at, at accident:

A. Warn other traffic, e.g. by switching on your hazard warning lights

B. Ask drivers to switch off their engines and put out any cigarettes

C. Arrange for the emergency services to be called immediately with full details of the accident location and any casualties; on a motorway; use the emergency telephone

D. All of the above

If your vehicle is causing an obstruction:

A. Warn other traffic by using hazard warning lights

B. Warn other traffic by using pressure horns

C. If you carry a red warning triangle, put it on the road at least 50 meters (164 ft) before the obstruction and on the same side of the road (150 meters (492 ft) on the hard shoulder of motorways).

D. Both A & C

If you have a breakdown:

A. Think first of other traffic

B. Get your vehicle off the road if possible

C. Both A & B

D. None of these

If an accident involves vehicle containing dangerous goods:

A. Switch off engines and do not smote

B. Keep uninjured people well away from the vehicle and where the wind will not below dangerous substance towards them

C. Every it you act to save a life, take care that you too are not affected by dangerous substances

D. Give the emergency services as much information as possible about the labels and other markings

D. All of the above

In case of an accident:

A. Do not move injured people from their vehicles unless they are in immediate danger from fire or explosion. Do not remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless it is essential. Be prepared to give first aid

B. Move uninjured people away from the vehicles to safety; on a motorway this should be well away from the traffic, the hard shoulder and the central reservation

C. Stay at the scene until emergency services arrive

D. All of the above