Use your indicator or signal:

A. For turning or lane change manoeuvre only

B. Do not use this device for giving help to overtaking vehicle or for any other purpose

C. Both A & B

D. None of these

If you want to turn left across a bus lane, or cycle lane:

A. Give way to any vehicle using the lane from either direction. Well before you turn left

B. Use your mirror and give a left turn signal

C. Approximately 200 meters before the intersection, bring left wheel of your vehicle as dose to the left lane

D. Do not swing out to the right before or after the turn

D. All of the above

Well before you turn left:

A. Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal

B. Do not overtake a cyclist, motorcyclist or horse rider immediately before turning left

C. Watch out for traffic coming upon your left before you make the turn

D. Keep as close to the left as it is safe to do so

E. All of the above

While turning right on steady “Right Turn Arrow”:

A. You have the right of way

B. On “flashing Right Turn Arrow” of when no arrow is exhibited but green signal is displayed, you can turn right only after giving way to oncoming traffic approaching from opposite direction

C. Both A & B

D. None of these

While on road:

A. Do not turn right on red light under any circumstances

B. Do not make a U-turn on multi-lane road exceed where indicated by an appropriate warning sign

C. Always give way to the approaching traffic before turning right, except at steady Right Turn

D. Give indicator in signalized Intersections

D. All of the above

Well before turning right:

A. Use your mirrors to make sure you know the position and movement of traffic behind you because traffic coming from behind is actually at much closer distance and moves faster than appears in the mirror

B. Give a right turn signal and take up a position just left of the middle of the road or in the space marked for right turning traffic. Wait until there is safe gap between you and any oncoming vehicle

C. Watch out for cyclist, motorcyclists and pedestrians; then make the turn, but do not cut the comer. Take great care when turning into a main road; you will need to watch for traffic in both directions and wait for a safe gain

D. All of the above