While turning your vehicle:

A. Get in the extreme left lane at least 200 meters before making left turn

B. In the extreme right lane at least 200 meters before making the right turn

C. Do not turn left from right lane and right from left lane

D. Give way to pedestrians crossing a road into which you are turning

E. All of the above

While at traffic signals:

A. When amber light is flashing, slow down and proceed carefully

B. When red lights is flashing, stop and give right-of-way

C. It the traffic lights are not working, proceed with caution

D. All of the above

At junctions controlled by traffic lights:

A. You must stop behind the white “Stop” line across your side of the road unless the light is green

B. You must not move forward when the red and amber lights are showing

C. Do not go forward when the traffic lights are green unless

D. there is room for you to clear the junctions safely or you are taking up positions to turn right

E. All of the above