Which one of the following is the popular notion of state in modern times?
A. Legal notion
B. Ethical Notion
C. Constitutional notion
D. Welfare nation
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A. Legal notion
B. Ethical Notion
C. Constitutional notion
D. Welfare nation
A. Hegel
B. Bosanquet
C. Green
D. Kant
A. The state alone has the right to make laws
B. The laws existed prior to the creation of the state, and state was created for the preservation of these laws
C. All the laws enacted by the state must be approved by the people before they are enforced
D. The states make laws for the maintenance of law and order and protection of rights
A. The Greeks
B. The Germans
C. The Teutons
D. The Romans
A. Herbert Spencer
B. Laski
C. Karl Marx
D. Aristotle
A. Machiavelli
B. Plato
C. Marx
D. Herbert Spencer
A. Through violence and bloodshed
B. Through elections and smooth transfer of power
C. Through compromise and electoral adjustments among the competing forces
D. By bringing all aspects of life to a standstill
A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Garner
C. MacIver
D. Holland
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Hobbes
D. Barker
A. The scope of state activity is narrower than the society
B. The scope of state activity is broader than the society
C. The scope of the activities of state and society is identical
D. No comparison is possible between the activities of the state and the society