Which of the followings are included in primary goals of a social science _______?
A. Experimentation
B. Generalization
C. Prediction
D. All of these
Ace competitive exams like CSS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, and BPSC with Sociology MCQs covering all essential topics. Ideal for focused preparation and exam success
A. Experimentation
B. Generalization
C. Prediction
D. All of these
A. Augustus Comte
B. Emily Durkheim
C. Herbert Spencer
D. None of these
A. Political agency
B. Human agency
C. Public agency
D. None of these
A. 20 December
B. 10 November
C. 15 October
D. None of These
A. monogamy
B. polygamy
C. polygyny
D. polyandry
A. Institutional relations
B. Value System
C. Traditions
D. Compliance with Norms
A. Causes and correlations are essentially the same
B. Correlations always lead to causal explanations
C. causation cannot be inferred directly from correlationÂ
D. Correlations are one-way causal relationship
A. Understanding Human behavior in broader context of society
B. Understanding human behavior in narrower context of society
C. Both A&B
D. None of these
A. Status in society
B. Location in history and society
C. location in a town
D. None of these