What are the celestial bodies Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta?
A. Constellations
B. Stars
C. Asteroids
D. Planets
Antares is of the largest known———-?
A. Quasars Star
B. Pulsars Star
C. White Dwarfs Star
D. Red Super-giants Star
This is between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is when the gathered duest is still condensing to form a star?
A. Alpha Stage
B. Stellar Genesis
C. Protostar
D. Star of Adam
Particles clouds from where stars are formed are known area as———-?
A. Stellar nurseries
B. Star clouds
C. Event horizons
D. Singularities
You have discovered new celestial body. It has a tick atmosphere, and it produces powerful cosmic winds and, observed, the clouds obscure the body. You have determined it is the types of star
A. Wolf-Rayet star
B. Red supergiant
C. Stellar storm
D. Pulsar
In a typical H-R diagram, stars are graphed by these two characteristics?
A. Temperature and luminosity
B. Luminosity and distance
C. Distance and temperature
D. Size and distance
When our sun reaches the end of its red giant phase, it will turn into a———-?
A. Supernova
B. White Dwarf
C. Black Hole
D. Neutron Star
At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow?
A. 90 degrees
B. 60 degrees
C. 40 degrees
D. 65 degrees