The “Rising” of the “evening star” indicates the direction of the____________?
A. South Pole
B. East
C. West
D. North
Ring planet is Saturn; least dense and 2nd largest planet is_________?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Neptune
D. Mercury
Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the Sun.
A. microwaves
B. infrared
C. X-rays
D. ultraviolet
Which layer of the atmosphere reflects radio waves back to the earth’s surface?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Ozone layer
D. Ionosphere
What is the date when day and night are equal?
A. March 21 and December 24
B. January 14 and September 23
C. March 20 and September 23
D. January 14 and June 22
Science which deals with the position and movement of heavenly bodies ?
A. Astrophysics
B. Astronomy
C. Astrology
D. Astronautics
How many times the sun is bigger than the size of the earth?
A. 69 times
B. 89 times
C. 99 times
D. 109 times