When the event of Miraj took place?
A. 26th February, 621 AD
B. 29th March, 620 AD
C. 27th November, 620 AD
D. 3rd September, 621 AD
What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal?
A. The belief in detail
B. The belief in known things
C. The belief in brief
D. The belief in unknown things
When did Holy Prophet (SAW) go to perform Hajj?
A. 10th Hijri
B. 9th Hijri
C. 11th Hijri
D. 8th Hijri
What is the most important event of sixth Hijri?
A. The prohibition of wine
B. The treaty of Hudaibiyah
C. The battle of Ahzab
D. The meesaq-e-madina
What was the important event in the month of 13th Nabvi?
A. Hijrat to Habshah
B. Hijrat to Madina
C. Miraj
D. Visit to Taif
The Pillars of Islam in proper order are
A. Salat, Zakat, Soam, Hajj and Touheed
B. Touheed, Namaz, Zakat, Soam and Hajj
C. Namaz, Touheed, Zakat, Hajj and Soam
D. Touheed, Namaz, Jeem, Zakat, Soam and Wao
Who was the Head of the board, which was established for the preparation of copies of Musaef Abu Bakr?
A. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)
B. Hazrat Usama bin Qais (R.A)
C. Hazrat Usman bin Maznoun (R.A)
D. Hazrat Muaz bin Jabel (R.A)