Which one of the following countries is a good example of ‘holding together federations?
B. Switzerland
C. Australia
D. India
B. Switzerland
C. Australia
D. India
A. Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
B. Prophet Musa (AS)
C. Prophet Nuh (AS)
D. Prophet Essa (AS)
A. Ar-R’ad
B. An-Nahl
C. Bani Israel
D. Al-A’raf
A. Surah Baqarah
B. Surah Al Imran
C. Surah Mujadila
D. Surah Nisa
A. 23 years 03 months 16 days
B. 22 years 05 months 13 days
C. 22 years 10 months 12 days
D. 22 years 02 months 22 days