A. By whom is English is taught to you?
B. Who was teaches you English?
C. Who was taught English to you?
D. By whom was English taught to you?
A. Sound waves
B. Infrared waves
C. UV waves
D. Radio waves
A. Vitamin C
B. vitamin D
C. vitamin K
D. None of these
A. Braille
B. Elysium
C. Epicure
D. Arson
A. Stanly Waipert
B. Lawrence Zinning
C. Richard Symounds
D. Howard Wringgins
E. K.K Aziz
A. Japan
B. Norway
C. South Africa
D. Netherland
A. By whom is English is taught to you?
B. Who was teaches you English?
C. Who was taught English to you?
D. By whom was English taught to you?