Work of Pituitary gland in Human Body?
A. Controls several other hormone glands
B. Remove wastes and extra fluid
C. Maintaining blood pressure
D. None of these
A. Controls several other hormone glands
B. Remove wastes and extra fluid
C. Maintaining blood pressure
D. None of these
C. Italy
D. United Kingdom
A. Japan
B. Norway
C. South Africa
D. Netherland
A. Indonesia
B. Egypt
C. South Africa
D. South Korea
A. British
B. Royal People of America
C. France
D. Italy
A. Developing Countries
B. Developed Countries
C. Nonaligned Countries
D. None of these
A. Cat
B. Horse
C. Dog
D. None of these
A. Leadership
B. My favorite place
C. Patriotism
Mia discovered a group of taking trees. Each tree had a unique personality and share interesting stories from their long lives. The oak tree recounted tales of ancient battles, while the willow tree spoke of lost love. Mia cherished her encounters with the talking trees, and they taught her the importance of listening, appreciating nature, and valuing the wisdom of those who have stood the test of time.