Post of Subject Specialist Zoology (BPS-17) in School Education & Literacy Department Government of Sindh
What is the ideal fresh air amount needed by man?
A. 100 cubic feet per every 20 minutes
B. 100 cubic feet per every 20 second
C. 100 cubic feet per every 05 minutes
D. 100 cubic feet per every 02 minutes
The life cycle of plasmodium in anopheles was demonstrated by:
A. Laveran
B. Altman
C. Grassi
D. Morgan
Peripatus is the junction between
A. Molluscs and hexapods
B. Arthropods and annelids
C. Molluscs and asterias
D. Echinoderms and proto chordates
Excessive secretion of growth hormone STH produces:
A. Gigantism
B. Acromegaly
C. Albino
D. Cretinism